Nutritious Sea Spaghetti seaweed adds wonderful texture, umami flavour and nutrients.  Throw it into a vegan or gluten free pasta dish and see who works out it is actually a seaweed!

This Sea Spaghetti is raw, organically wild harvested, air dried naturally to preserve nutrients and tested for contaminants.

Sea Spaghetti is a brown seaweed so has excellent iodine levels and also offers a source of calcium and magnesium.

How to use Sea Spaghetti Seaweed

Try Sea Spaghetti in salads, soups, broths or add to stir-fries, pasta dishes or even in baking! Soak branches in tepid water or a liquid of your choice to experiment with flavour (will take on the flavour of whatever it is hydrated in). Of all the seaweeds in our range, this seaweed is the one that needs a little more time to rehydrate. Just soak for at least 30 minutes or boil/steam to speed the process. It will expand in size and take on the texture of al dente pasta.

INGREDIENTS: Sea Spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata) seaweed 100%.

60 servings per pack
